Production Component- info
Brief 4- Music Marketing Audience- wide mainstream audience of 16-25 year olds Producer- cross media production for a major record label (such as Atlantic Records or Columbia Records) Audio visual- music video -Length- 3~3.30 minutes Print- Create a front cover and double page feature article for a new mainstream magazine to promote your artist or band to the target audience. MUSIC VIDEO IDEAS - Song- Gasoline by Halsey Tasks for the song/ creating a visual board for the music video: - research song's meaning- use variety of articles and sources - create a mood board with an ideal aesthetic/ vibe for the music video that links well with the song's melody/ lyrics - location- summer season/ open spaces and inside shots (the artist's room/ house etc). - references from movie/ tv show- type of shots, colour schemes, etc. MAGAZINE IDEAS -mainstream magazine/ music tasks- create a moodboard with inspirati...